Bits About Me

Hey there!

Thanks for dropping by to read my blog!

i'm an average 20-sumthing girl who's having the time of her life.

i realize that life is not always pretty. At times we'd be on top of the world when everything goes our way. Other time we'd feel like it's the end of the world. Life's ups and downs make us who we are today and teach us to be a better person.

i work as a geoscientist in the oil and gas industry. Geoscientist sounds scary, in reality i'm just a geologist. i love my job (though sometimes i just HATE it) but i almost look kinda bimbotic that people are amazed i made it to be a geologist.

i like..
-shopping (when i have the MONEY)
-cooking (when i feel like it)
-traveling (every chance that i could)
-eating (that's why i am this fat plump girl that i am today)
-being crazy
-reading (i'd go crazy if i run out of book to read)
-my boyfriend whom i called Mr. Chenta in this blog
-my girlfriends be it school gfs, uni gfs, office gfs, (they keep me sane)
-anything with peppermint
-romantic comedy.. i'm a die-hard romantic at heart!!

i hate..
......can't really think of what i hate. But i hate traffic jams and period pain. And pimples. Grrr!!

Why do i blog?
Just to record how i live my daily life. You see, i'm a VERY forgetful person. i don't wanna wake up one day to find i forget everything about my life. Yes, paranoid, i know. At least when i'm old and wrinkly i have this humble little blog to tell me stories about my life. Or if i live a short life, my kids will have this blog to tell them stories about their mum. OK, i'm paranoid and i think too much. i'll shut up now.

 Me, Myself & i